Do You Struggle to find a healthy balance between work and life?


If having an empathetic ally to support your wellness needs with strategies for stress management, improved nutrition, increased daily activity and better sleep (all while maintaining control) is intriguing, then yes, coaching is for you!

Why work with bo


    Wellness is the goal.

    Beginning with the simple definition of “the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort” and expanding into wellness as optimal health and vitality, encompassing physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, interpersonal, social and environmental well-being.

    Bo thrives when she’s impacted another person’s ability to achieve something they didn’t think was possible.

    Working with Bo, you will feel heard, understood, supported and encouraged every step of the way.

    Health Coaching offers a guided, client-centered approach, which creates pathways toward lasting change, improves self-efficacy, and sets clients up for successful goal achievement.


    Awareness is necessary for change.

    What would you like to accomplish in the next three months? What motivators are important enough to enable you to overcome your obstacles and meet your goals? What excites you?

    Bo’s job is helping you decide what you want to strive for and support you with simple daily shifts in behaviors, leading you to those desired goals.

    With 1:1 coaching services, you will find support via weekly phone calls with Bo. Together, you’ll review your previous week, build upon the wins, explore areas of concerns, and set SMART goals for the upcoming week.

    Knowing awareness is a key component for change, Bo uses Practice Better, a HIPAA compliant client management service that offers an excellent client tracking app, where you’ll easily understand your trends, habits, and daily routines by tracking food, mood, sleep, daily activity, and more!

    With coaching calls via phone or video chat, our service area is limitless!


    Simple changes lead to lasting habits.

    Daily activity and nutritious meals are integral components of wellness.

    Bo has witnessed the devastating effects lack of activity and poor nutrition can have on a person. Conversely, she has personally felt the benefits of both when she cleaned up her act over a decade ago!

    Bo is passionate about helping others be, and feel, their best!

    She will meet you where you are and help you safely add more physical activity to your daily habits. Already active? Great! As an athlete and trainer herself, Bo can help you achieve your fitness goals!

    Another benefit of working with Bo is that she’s personally experimented with all the nutrition trends of the previous decade and eventually overcame the uncomfortable effects of IBS, SIBO, SIFO, and a variety of food intolerances.

    A resource she uses for clients is That Clean Life, a recipe software created by licensed Dietitians and Nutritionist. With this, Bo can easily offer meal plans to help with a variety of dietary concerns.

    She can take you from where you are to where you want to be!

    Here’s her story.

health coaching is not A prescription, It’s a collaboration.

I can’t do it FOR You. I will do it with you.

For example when a doctor gives you a diagnosis, then says you should eat a better diet, exercise more, reduce stress, and sends you home…expecting to see changes at your next appointment.

Sound familiar?

Health Coaching is…

A growth-promoting partnership THAT elicits motivation and CHANGES through visioning, goal setting, and accountability.

A health coach bridges the gap between doctors’ orders and patients’ compliance with them. Why is there so much non-compliance?

Because many people don’t know HOW to change those behaviors!

Our goal at telos wellness is to change poor lifestyle behaviors before getting a diagnosis

gain an awareness of…



Are you an emotional eater or do you think of food as fuel? Is your food full of color or mostly beige? Has your doctor told you to lose weight, or make diet changes to improve a chronic disease?

Maybe you know what you should eat, but aren’t sure how to get started. Guided by the age-old principle “Let food be thy medicine”, working with Bo, Lifestyle Medicine Health Coach, could be your answer.


your physical self

Staying active is your secret weapon for staying healthy and feeling youthful. Studies show exercise and active lifestyles ward off and improve some chronic illness, including heart disease and diabetes.


a balanced life

Discover ways to find balance in our fast-paced, stressful world by practicing gratitude, mindfulness, and intentionality. Learn to slow down, reduce the impact of stressors, and make the time to do things you love and that make you happy.